(20 Aug 2024) Dr Thompson, while re-viewing this message, I took your question to heart concerning John 14:20: "Now how have we been putting our faith in THAT alone?" I know that our connection to Father IS Jesus, and Jesus' connection in us IS Holy Spirit. When I BELIEVED that this connection IS an ACCOMPLISHED Truth which will NEVER end, I SAW that all opposition in our soul/body/life and living IS over. The catch is that we MUST STICK TO IT to let Father manifest His Glory (which He brought us into in CM24). As Apostle Thompson said, our drifting [in, then out of "active" faith] days are OVER. Thank you for that question, Dr Thompson.
Jimmie Smith
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Commented on Jesus Is Not Optional
Sep 07 at 06:17 PM
We let go of the "middle man" culture in the Church! JESUS finished all of that! Father loves AND hears those who have received the One He sent to seek and to save that which was lost.